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    Lock Picking Tools   Lock Picking Tools

       There are hundreds of different types of lock picking tools on the market today. However, if you are very handy you can make your own lock picks from flat cold-rolled steel, 0.020 to 0.025" thick. The strip should be about 6" long and at least 1/3" in width. You can also fashion picks from a number of other common items. Tension tools for use with various picks are generally made of hardened spring steel and normally range from 3 to 5 inches in length, not counting the parts that actually fit into the opening of the keyway. Lock picking and tension tools made for double-sided disc tumbler locks are unique in design. They should be purchased from a reputable dealer as it is a lot less expensive to buy them than to make them. If you want to take a crack at making your own tools there is an excellent book on the market " Improvised Lock Picking". In Improvised Lock Picking, the author reveals little-known secrets for devising quick and easy lock picking tools on the spot, using common household items found in the average home, office or garage. 

  For those of you that want to purchase all of your lock picking tools here is a very basic list of the picks you will need. We've linked each of the picks to a corresponding image of the pick so you can see what it looks like and how much it costs to purchase. Double Ball Lock Pick  Single Ball Lock Pick Large Diamond Lock Pick  Small Diamond Lock Pick  Long Hook Lock Pick  Short Hook Lock Pick  C-Rake Lock Pick  S-Rake Lock Pick  L-Rake Lock Pick  Broken Key Extractor W-Rake Lock Pick  Lock Pick Tension Tools 

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